Buyers’ guide
OASIS+ is ready to meet your agency’s complex, integrated multiple service requirements. The Buyer’s Guide is designed to make buying a smooth and streamlined process, with resources for every part of your journey.
Announcements and upcoming dates
Initial proposal submissions: Closed.
Upcoming dates:
- Awards issued: No later than [date].
- Notice to proceed (ability to buy services): Estimated Q3 FY24.
- Solicitations open for on-ramping: FY25. They will be continuously open from that point forward.
Visit the OASIS+ Interact Community for additional updates and announcements.
Acquisition Planning
Determine if OASIS+ is the right fit
Familiarize yourself with the OASIS+ scope, domains, labor categories, NAICs codes and additional features to ensure you fully understand the contracts.
Research the OASIS+ contract features
Explore which contract is right for you, taking into consideration factors like small business set asides, contract types, period of performance and order limitations.
Get a scope review (coming soon)
GSA offers a free, optional OASIS+ scope review that helps determine if your requirement is within scope of the contract you are considering.
Market research (coming soon)
Complete market research
Use the Symphony Procurement Suite or the free Market Research as a Service (MRAS) resources to quickly and efficiently conduct Requests for Information (RFIs).
Gather pricing intelligence
Search services-related pricing tools to identify established ceiling prices for your requirement and use them to build a cost estimate.
Research the industrial base
Find out what vendors are part of the OASIS+ family and access capability statements where they are available.
Prepare to develop your solicitation
Obtain a Delegation of Procurement Authority
In order to solicit and place task orders under OASIS+, the Ordering Contracting Officer (OCO) must obtain a Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA).
Register in Symphony
GSA uses the Symphony Task Order Management suite for all task orders solicitations.
Develop and issue the solicitation (coming soon)
Find sample documents
Browse the Document Library to find samples, templates and tips to help you write acquisition requirements and prepare your acquisition package.
Review solicitation guidance
Get solicitation form, format guidance and templates and other pointers on clauses, domains and NAICS selection, labor standards, the Contract Assessment Fee and evaluation factors.
Award and manage the task order in Symphony (coming soon)
Review additional guidance to award and administer task orders
Learn about OASIS+ specific features to consider when executing and administering task orders such as public notice, reporting, order-level protests, quality assurance, subcontracting plans and performance evaluation.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
For additional resources, check out: